Battle and Bet in Bayonetta 2's Online Mode

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.07.2014 6

Battle and Bet in Bayonetta 2

Earlier this week, more details surfaced for the online multiplayer feature for Bayonetta 2.

The upcoming Wii U exclusive will allow two players to team up together as part of a co-operative "Tag Climax" feature. There'll be meaty bosses to combat and hordes of relentless enemies to devour through a series of stages.

Players can pick their own character, weapons and equipment - so it greatly depends on storyline progression to get the upperhand. This particular mode will support both random and friend partnerships, or a CPU partner if no-one is available.

Want to put a stake on online performance? Bayonetta 2 will also allow players to gamble away their skills by playing bets on who can score higher points. The money earned can then be used to unlock content like new skills, accessories and weapons. The return also depends on the types of stage selected, with the harder variety yielding more if completed.

Will you venture online in Bayonetta 2?

Box art for Bayonetta 2








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finally a game with online multiplayer i will probably try.

Insanoflex said:
finally a game with online multiplayer i will probably try.

So you haven't played Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, Mario Kart 8, Dungeons & Dragons Arcade for Wii U or any of the other great online titles they host? Your loss pal... let me know when you decide to stop missing out.>_>

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

i have tried them, but they didnt really hook me. 
i dont like being responsible for the fun of others.

Insanoflex said:
i have tried them, but they didnt really hook me. 
i dont like being responsible for the fun of others.

Care to elaborate as what you've just said makes no sense what so ever? Also you DO realize what an oximoronic comment you just made right? With Co-Op games YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FUN OF OTHERS since you play as a TEAM. Tell me where the hell in Mario Kart are you responsible for ANYTHING other than getting YOURSELF across the finish line, or keeping yourself alive in D&D arcade for that matter?

Splinter Cell & both Assassin's Creed games on Wii U have free for all modes as well.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

it makes perfect sense.
in coop, i have to be cooperative.  i have to adjust my play style to the convenience of others.

if i play terribly, i affect the fun of others.  if i play too good/efficiently, the players do not get to engage in the game's core concepts at their own pace.

Ok now I see what you mean & that you were referring to the betting for scores so my mistake heh. Still MK8 & Smash are the LEAST cooperative games one can play heh.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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