Inti Creates on Launch Plans for Gunvolt

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.07.2014 1

Inti Creates on Launch Plans for Gunvolt on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Developer Inti Creates recently spoke on launch plans for upcoming 3DS platformer Azure Striker Gunvolt.

The side-scrolling shooter is planned for a release in Japan on 20th August, with a localised version intended to hit North America a few weeks later.

The studio isn't ruling out a European release, but it's still in the planning stages due to the need for multiple languages. The US version, however, will only contain English text.

There will be some English voice-acting in the Western release of Azure Striker Gunvolt, but not all, due to the storyline being "modelled on Japanese subculture", according to studio CEO Takuya Aizu. "If you were to combine the Japanese voices with English sentences, it would cause a great gap between them. Therefore, we will not be using these voices in the English version."

What do you think about the lack of full voice-acting in the English release?

Box art for Azure Striker Gunvolt

Inti Creates


Inti Creates


2D Platformer



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And really that sounds fine, just calling out attacks or having the action grunts done with english VAs is ok. Looking forward to this DEFINITELY!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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