Super Smash Bros. 3DS Main Menu revealed by Sakurai

By Carlos Azolas 25.07.2014 2

Super Smash Bros. 3DS Main Menu revealed by Sakurai on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sakurai, known for Kid Icarus, Kirby and of course, Super Smash Bros, posted an interesting Miiverse screen today that reveals what the final Main Menu will look like in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. Looks pretty neat, right? Sakurai stated that the icons will be animated, as well. Also, did you notice that mysterious icon in the bottom left hand corner next to StreetPass? The one that says Wii U?

Image for Super Smash Bros. 3DS Main Menu revealed by Sakurai

Sakurai sure knows how to tease us fans who are patiently waiting the arrival of the next Super Smash Bros. What will this icon do? Can we expect some sort of connectivity with the Wii U? Can we transfer our data back and forth like we were able to in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate? We have no clue but this is sure to excite Smash fans.

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bandai Namco







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I AM PRE ORDERING NOW.........I would love if  could take my information from the 3ds version to the wii u. Or if I could take people on online on my 3ds while they are on the wii u. The possibilities are endless. Ive been a fan since the n64 days of smash bros. Plus the gamecube controller addition is genus. Gota have it, gotta have it. Really now all they need to do is make more gamecube games for wii u......"Did someone say MARIO SUNSHINE HD REMAKE ????????????? "  

Aaaaand it looks the same as Brawl and Kid Icarus. I get that he has his style and it's certainly an easy to use menu but at least try and make it unique to the game. :/

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