Peripherals gurus Hori have announced a new accessory that'll give Monster Hunter players additional grip when playing Nintendo 3DS.
The additional shell, which has different designs for those with 3DS XL (LL) consoles and the original hardware, has an extended circle pad where the left shoulder trigger would be. The ZL button is now tucked away on the base of the grip, with there ZR button sitting on the right. Players would then move and control the camera with their left hand.

The Nintendo 3DS Extended Slide Pad controller will be available for 2,980 Yen (£17/$29/€21).
In addition to the grip, Hori will also launch an accessory kit for Ultimate, which includes a cleaning cloth, strap and decal - with versions available for 3DS (2,180 Yen/£11/$23/€15) and 3DS XL (2,280 Yen/£12/$24/€16).

Would you lap up these accessories if they came to your region?