Mario Kart 8 Sells Over 885,000 Copies in the US

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.07.2014 1

Mario Kart 8 Sells Over 885,000 Copies in the US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America have confirmed just how well Mario Kart 8 has performed across the country in just over a month on sale.

The game launched on Wii U on 30th May and it's lifetime total is now 885,000 units in the US alone. Sales of Wii U hardware and software in June 2014 were up 223% and 373% respectively, compared to June 2013.

Sales of Wii U hardware for the first half of the 2014 calendar year have increased by 48% and 129% respectively. Nintendo "fully expect Mario Kart 8 to continue to drive momentum" for the system into the holiday season and foreseeable future.

Nintendo 3DS also had a strong month on the market, with June hardware sales increasing over 55 percent over May figures, with Tomodachi Life selling more than 175,000 units (both physical/digital) since launching on 6th June.

Have you grabbed hold of a copy of Mario Kart 8 yet?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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Sales of Wii U hardware and software in June 2014 were up 223% and 373% respectively, compared to June 2014.

I assume the 2nd one is supposed to say June 2013?

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