CoroCoro Teases Complete Super Smash Bros. Character Reveal

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.07.2014 3

CoroCoro Teases Complete Super Smash Bros. Character Reveal on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Japanese magazine CoroCoro has teased a big reveal for the next issue: all the Super Smash Bros. for 3DS characters.

The publication is teasing the next issue, which is expected to drop around the 15th/16th of August, as the big reveal for the complete roster for the 3DS version. The characters for the portable are said to be identical to the Wii U version, but the key difference comes in the stage selection, which CoroCoro is also planning to also reveal in its entirety.

Super Smash Bros. for 3DS is launching on the handheld on September 13th in Japan, with a 3rd October release in North America and Europe. Fans in Australia can grab hold of the game a day later on 4th October.

What remaining characters are you hoping to see in the upcoming brawler?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Bandai Namco







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According to pre-orders in Japan, the 3DS version is looking set to become a million seller in its first week! New record for the series incoming...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Adam Riley said:
According to pre-orders in Japan, the 3DS version is looking set to become a million seller in its first week! New record for the series incoming...

Definitely will be well-deserved, is a crackin' game from what we played.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Apparently this was done with Brawls reveal as well but they only revealed characters we already knew, despite saying the entire roster was to be revealed. It'll be interesting to see if this happens and I'm already extremely satisfied with the roster we currently have anyway!

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