Hackers Break into Mario Kart 8 with Proof of Concept Video

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.07.2014

Hackers Break into Mario Kart 8 with Proof of Concept Video on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Hackers have managed to break into the Mario Kart 8 core, managing to prove that it's possible to modify the game.

A video of the group's antics appeared on YouTube over the weekend, with text on one of the stage names changed as a proof of concept. The team who did hack Mario Kart 8 did state that they are "against piracy and against cheating," so don't intend to release the hack, but are keen to unlock the option for custom content.


Since we've mastered MKWii I felt MK8 was the logical next step. What I created is an exploit which upgrades permissions from user mode to supervisor mode on the Espresso core, thus allowing us to break down the isolation between the browser and the game and directly change stuff.

Do you want to see the game hacked/custom content for Mario Kart 8?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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