Miyamoto: Nintendo Stood out from "Bloody Shooter software" at E3

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.07.2014

Miyamoto: Nintendo Stood out from "Bloody Shooter software" at E3 on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Reflecting on Nintendo's performance at E3, Miyamoto praised the company's efforts to stand out from the crowd.

Nintendo "is compared with other companies, most likely with Sony and Microsoft," he acknowledged, with the Japanese game-maker looking "very unique" when sitting alongside "bloody shooter software that was mainly set in violent surroundings or, in a different sense, realistic and cool worlds" from a majority of other developers.

He felt that this year in particular, that "most of the titles" shown during the E3 week fell into that category. Due to Nintendo's brighter and more colourful experiences, the company "was able to receive such positive reactions" like "games we can can feel safe with."

"From this aspect of differentiation with the other companies, we had a great E3 show this year," Miyamoto concluded.

Do you think Miyamoto has a point when comparing Nintendo to a majority of efforts from other studios?

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