Second Teaser Trailer and new Artwork for Harmony of Heroes

By Jorge Ba-oh 29.06.2014

Second Teaser Trailer and new Artwork for Harmony of Heroes on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shinesparkers has released a tantalising second teaser trailer for the Harmony of Heroes album, plus new artwork.

The official website for the collaborative music project has gone live; a remix album that plays tribute to the entire Super Smash Bros. series. There'll be arrangements from numerous Nintendo franchises including Star Fox, Super Mario and F-Zero.


Joining the roster of composers will be Soleviio, Reven, Garlagan and Bernardo Limon, plus the addition of previous musicians like Sean Haeberman, Buoy, Zack Parrish and Vomitron. There'll be over 90 pieces of music to enjoy in the new album, composed by over 60 musicians from around the globe.

The artwork team, which includes Cubed3 member Marzy, has also been hard at work to produce tribute artwork that bring together the different franchises within the games.

Be sure to use the hashtag #HarmonyOfHeroes if sharing the the project.

For more, visit the official website and read our interview with the team from last year.

Image for Second Teaser Trailer and new Artwork for Harmony of Heroes

Kid Icarus artwork by Eduardo Pérez

Image for Second Teaser Trailer and new Artwork for Harmony of Heroes

The Legend of Zelda artwork by Feri González

Image for Second Teaser Trailer and new Artwork for Harmony of Heroes

Metroid artwork by Nick Savino

Image for Second Teaser Trailer and new Artwork for Harmony of Heroes

Star Fox artwork by Nate Horsfall

Image for Second Teaser Trailer and new Artwork for Harmony of Heroes

Pikmin artwork by Ross Marrs

What are your thoughts on the Harmony of Heroes sound so far?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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