Square Enix Looking into Other Franchises for Music Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.06.2014 1

Square Enix Looking into Other Franchises for Music Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Will Theatrhythm get an encore with another one of Square Enix's franchises?

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call is said to be the final installment in the popular rhythm series, or, well, pair of titles. The team were adamant to include as many songs as possible; fan favourites and rarer themes, to ensure that Curtain Call was the most comprehensive edition possible.

In an interview during E3, producer Ichiro Hazama noted how the studio are "probably going to draw the line on Final Fantasy. This will be the last Theatrhythm featuring Final Fantasy." but there have been thoughts about "other titles with music that we produce, we can do something with that."

Would you like to see another Theatrhythm game with one of the studio's other franchises, perhaps? Be sure to vote in our poll below.

Box art for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call



Square Enix





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kilik (guest) 23.06.2014#1

Poll option is messed up

"Chrono#Dragon Quest"

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