Aonuma Teases Mulitplayer Elements for Future Zelda Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.06.2014 5

Aonuma Teases Mulitplayer Elements for Future Zelda Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has teased potential multiplayer features for future games in the series.

One of the changes that Aonuma expressed last year was to incorporate elements that go beyond playing alone in the main-series Legend of Zelda titles. The team had dabbled in spin-off titles that incorporate co-operative play before, like Four Swords and the upcoming Hyrule Warriors, but the main entries have always been a single player affair.

In an interview with the producer, he noted how "when I was talking back about making Zelda more than just a single-player experience? That's something you will see in the future, maybe next year."

What multiplayer elements are you hoping to see in the new adventure?

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Darkflame (guest) 23.06.2014#1

I think its very hard to add direct multiplayer to mainstream Zelda without taking away from what it is as a game.
However, theres a few additions they could have;

* Given we now look to have a nice big landscape to explore, friends should be able to place custom signposts for eachother online, and they will popup in eachothers games.

* After a point, they should also be able to hide treasure for eachother in a similar way. (thus allowing little mini signpost mazes, or treasure hunts to be set up between them.)

* All minigames should have shared scoretable between friends

multiplayer is great and all but ultimately useless to someone like myself without "online" before it.

Just a random thought I had. Instead of notes in a bottle for miiverse messages, like they had in Wind Waker HD, they could use carrier pigeons in the new Zelda. They could be sitting in random trees, or whatever. It wouldn't add or take away anything, but it's just a thought. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.
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An MMO set in the Zelda universe, without Link. It could easily fit within the Zelda timeline too!! Make it so that a couple hundred years after Link saved Hyrule, heroes are still fighting for Hyrule against the forces of evil, and Hylian warriors enter the Hylian guard and wear the same tunic as the Hero of Time. BAM! a human character class to play as!! And then make it so that you can play as a Goron, or a Zora, or a Deku, or even a Sheikah!

I'm sure there's the possibility to make something that works, and that does so WELL!

( Edited 24.06.2014 10:30 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
kingdom (guest) 25.06.2014#5



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