Miyamoto on Dual Wii U GamePad Titles

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.06.2014 1

Miyamoto on Dual Wii U GamePad Titles on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Shigeru Miyamoto was asked at E3 whether the company have plans to release software for dual GamePads yet.

The subject of titles that would take advantage of a wide Wii U userbase has come up since the console hit the market back in 2012, but Nintendo have been quiet on the topic of dual-GamePad titles this year.

Miyamoto noted how the company don't feel that they're at a point where "it's realistic to expect people to purchase two GamePads yet" and the main goal, at least for the short-term, is to "get as many people as possible to buy the system itself."

Despite this, Miyamoto believes dual-GamePad titles would be feasible from a technical standpoint and that it's "very interesting from a gameplay perspective idea because there are a lot of possibilities with two GamePads." That said, it could be a "drain on resources", and it would become a question of whether Nintendo focus on regular GamePad titles, or "creating games centered around two GamePads."

Should Nintendo explore titles that support multiple Wii U GamePad controllers?

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Darkflame (guest) 19.06.2014#1

a) Leave it to cheap eShop titles.

b) Use 3DS's.

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