Miyamoto Keen to Address Left-handed Controls

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.06.2014 5

Miyamoto Keen to Address Left-handed Controls on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto is keen to address issues with left-handed controls in upcoming games.

One of the topics brought up within all the new game announcements at E3 last week was how Nintendo and Miyamoto intend on better accommodating left-handed players. A majority of titles have worked well with lefties, maintaining the traditional control setup (primary analogue in the left hand, with buttons on the right), but motion and stylus controls have had issues. Some games in the past have incorporated a left-handed option, but a majority leave it out.

"I'll talk to my teams," Miyamoto said at E3. The designer himself writes with his left hand, throws with his left and paints using his right - a solid ambidextrous chap.

What's interesting is that when we were working on the Wii with the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, I was certain that I was going to start playing with the Nunchuk in my right hand and the Wii Remote in my left hand.

But ultimately I didn't, because partly I found it easier to play with the Nunchuk in my left hand and move the control stick with my left thumb partly—because I think that's what my body has learned to do.

3DS titles, or Wii U ones like Pikmin 3 that rely on the stylus, are the key problem - something Nintendo are looking to address.

Would you like to see more left-handed options in future Nintendo titles?

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It must be hard being left-handed.

Flynnie (guest) 18.06.2014#2

As a leftie myself i use the nunchuck in my left hand too as I couldnt control the main analogue stick with my right, it would just feel weird if anything.

However some stylus related games were really annoying to play, notably Kid Icarus as it really pains me to use the A/B/X/Y buttons to move.

However it hasnt really hindered my play overall...

Yeah, only stylus games effect me. As Flynnie said, Kid Icarus is one of the most notable games, because you have to use the buttons to move Pit and it makes it more awkward, same for Metroid Prime: Hunters.

Basically only games that have that dual control scheme, where you move the camera with the stylus and move the character with the d-pad or buttons.

( Edited 18.06.2014 10:19 by Marzy )

Darkflame (guest) 18.06.2014#4

Its really about time games consoles had fully customizable control remapping on the OS level - including screen flipping.

For heavy motion based games like Skyward Sword it was a PAIN to have to play right handed. If the next Zelda allows for Motion+ control I'd prefer my category to be respected. It messed me up trying to play left handed while Link held the Master Sword in his right. (BLASPHEMY!!!!)

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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