Aonuma on Number of Tutorials in Zelda Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.06.2014 1

Aonuma on Number of Tutorials in Zelda Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Looking back at The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, producer Eiji Aonuma acknowledged the sheer amount of tutorials in the game.

Nintendo's long-running adventure series is known for its fairly slow-paced opening segments, in particular Skyward Sword, which was littered with tutorials to get to grips with the new Wii motion controls.

Aonuma said at E3 that "in hindsight, that when you go out and buy a game, you buy the game because you want to play it, and you don't want to have any obstacles in the way." When thinking about the new titles, particularly the Wii U project, Aonuma will ensure that he'll "be careful not to do that," admitting that he "kinda front-loaded all that in Skyward Sword, and it doesn't really help to get that information when you don't know what to do with it."

Do you think that the tutorial features in The Legend of Zelda are a hindrance?

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Doesn't phase me really, never really seen the tutorials as a problem in past games.

( Edited 18.06.2014 00:31 by jb )

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