Mario Maker Created by new Nintendo Development Team

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.06.2014

Mario Maker Created by new Nintendo Development Team on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Takashi Tezuka has confirmed that Mario Maker is made up of staff from different Nintendo groups.

The new game, which allows players to piece together their own Super Mario Bros. side-scrolling levels, was originally created by Nintendo's tech team to help the studio's designers. It was them decided that the project be pitched to the concept to the executive officer of its Entertainment Analysis and Development Division, Tezuka, who likened it to Mario Paint.

A new group was then formed when Mario Maker turned into an action project for the system, rather than an in-house tool.

I was inspired to bring the fun of Mario Paint into this course editor to make something fun and creative for people to enjoy.

He hopes players will have fun with the editor and that it will "showcase people's sense of imagination", with courses not necessarily required to be possible to complete.

Will you create your own levels in Mario Maker?

Box art for Super Mario Maker





2D Platformer



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