E3 2014 | Yoshi's Woolly World to be Harder than Kirby's Epic Yarn

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.06.2014 3

E3 2014 | Yoshi

Yoshi's Woolly World will be a tougher game to play compared to Kirby's Epic Yarn, according to Nintendo.

Nintendo's first steps into a woven platforming world with Kirby's Epic Yarn was well received in presentation, but many fans felt that the experience was a bit on the easy side. Nintendo's Takashi Tezuka said at E3 that with Yoshi's Woolly World, the intention is for the game not to be for the younger market and that "we were going to make it a Yoshi game."

Beyond the E3 demo, the game "will get more challenging", with the collectible items driving that difficulty level up. Players can also die from enemies and also falling into endless pits, "it's kind of like Mario", Tezuka said.

Are you looking forward to Yoshi's Woolly World?

Box art for Yoshi's Woolly World

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2D Platformer



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I really liked the easiness of Epic Yarn, personally, but I don't mind a little bit of extra challenge to spice things up a bit.

Thank god for that. Makes me more interested in getting the game. Sort that music out though, geez.

Have you got a sample of any of the music? The only track I caught during the Treehouse sounded really good.

Also, they only showed 3 stages. Epic Yarn had 8 worlds and tonnes of amazing music, with lots of variety and real instruments used. Furthermore, those probably aren't even the finialsed tracks, usually music gets done later on in development.

( Edited 14.06.2014 17:41 by Marzy )

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