Reggie Fils-Aime Highlights Strength of Mario Kart 8 Sales

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.06.2014 1

Reggie Fils-Aime Highlights Strength of Mario Kart 8 Sales on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has highlighted strong sales for Mario Kart 8 across the country.

Fils-Aime noted that sales for the Wii U hardware quadrupled in the week after the release of the much-anticipated Nintendo racer, compared to the previous week. In addition, 18 percent of Wii U console owners purchased a copy of the game in the opening weekend, compared to between 2-7% with the previous versions.

Combined, all previous versions of Mario Kart have sold over 100 million units.

Nintendo have yet to reveal actual figures for the console, but Fils-Aime is confident that there will be impact on Wii U hardware sales for the remainder of the year.

"For us, on a global basis, and certainly here in the United States, it's driving hardware, which is great to see," he said.

Have you gotten your copy of Mario Kart 8 yet?

Box art for Mario Kart 8








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I'm not sure one title can save Wii U, but if one has a chance to at least stem the bleed a little bit, it certainly is Mario Kart. Maybe this can keep the Wii U floating until Smash Bros arrives at Christmas.

Honestly, the Wii U is starting to look like a bit of a better purchase these days. Mario Kart 8 is getting rave reviews, I want Wind Waker HD, Smash Bros looks good, and the (brief) Zelda footage we saw at E3 really gave me hope that the series is going to move in the right direction. 

The necessary critical mass still isn't nearly there yet, but there's at least some positive movement here.

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