A new IP is being crafted by the folk at Intelligent Systems for Nintendo 3DS, known as Code Name: S.T.E.A.M.
First spotted in trademark earlier this year, the concept is now officially in development - a strategy, turn-based game with some action sequences.
As the name suggests, the game takes place in a steampunk-themed London, with technology coming into its early stages. Players take on the role of a chap called Captain Fleming, commanding the S.T.E.A.M unit (Strike Team Eliminating the Alien Menace); a fighting force created by Abraham Lincoln.

In a presentation at E3, creative director Paul Patraschu felt that there has been a disconnection in these sorts of games, and S.T.E.A.M puts the point of view of the player at battlefield level, rather than an over-head view. Players can explore the surrounding area during their turn.
There will be no permadeath in S.T.E.A.M., with Medals earned from defeating foes used to restore health/steam levels; plus there will be a single difficulty throughout the game.

Steam also comes into the battle mechanic, where actions are governed by just how much steam a player has available; a steam bar as such. The team believes that the "move, attack, select new unit" format doesn't quite work with a game like this.
There's also a move called "overwatch attack", that allow players to attack on the enemy's turn.

What do you think of the S.T.E.A.M concept?