E3 2014 | Pac-Man Confirmed for Super Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.06.2014 4

E3 2014 | Pac-Man Confirmed for Super Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

One of the most expected third-party characters has been confirmed for Super Smash Bros. - Pac Man.

Bandai Namco's mascot is stepping into the ring to do battle in the upcoming games, as Pac-Man "hungers for battle." The Pac-Man World version can return to his classic chomping state, armed with punching gloves for deadly combos and the ability to throw fruit and power pellets.

The trailer, which shows off some of Pac-Man's moves, also seems to suggest that Mr Game & Watch may well be making a return.

Image for E3 2014 | Pac-Man Confirmed for Super Smash Bros.
Image for E3 2014 | Pac-Man Confirmed for Super Smash Bros.
Image for E3 2014 | Pac-Man Confirmed for Super Smash Bros.
Image for E3 2014 | Pac-Man Confirmed for Super Smash Bros.
Image for E3 2014 | Pac-Man Confirmed for Super Smash Bros.

What do you think of the inclusion of Pac-Man in the Super Smash Bros. roster?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Bandai Namco







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It's kinda cool to have the four major icons there but I'm not too fussed about pacman. I expected I'd wake up this morning to find him on the smash site, and sure enough there he was xD

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Bandai Namco playing a big part in the development of the game, it would have been surprising for no Namco character to make an appearance, and what better character to pick up than Pac-Man ?

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Am hoping for a few other Namco folk, like that chap from Tales - Llyod and maybe a character or two from Soul Calibur - one of the girls like Sophitia would be great.

Not surprised that Pac-Man was announced, but don't think he's really the one for me - seems a bit clunky!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

His move set looks very unique, and I'm very happy to see him out of that mech thing that he used in Street fighter X Tekken. That tease at the end was nice, oh please let Game and Watch return. Nice addition to the roster

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