E3 2014 Media | Sonic Boom Explodes onto the Scene in New Wii U, 3DS Trailers

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.06.2014 1

E3 2014 Media | Sonic Boom Explodes onto the Scene in New Wii U, 3DS Trailers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega have posted new footage from the upcoming Nintendo exclusive adventure, Sonic Boom.

The new games, a spin-off universe from the main Sonic the Hedgehog arc, features reworked characters and settings, as a new foe enters to wreak more chaos. Using a team of five characters, Sonic and his friends explore numerous exotic environments, using specific abilities to get through.

The game will take on a more action/brawler flavour, with puzzle elements and some platforming antics on Wii U, with the Nintendo 3DS edition boasting a more classic look and gameplay feel.



Will you join SEGA's heroes in the new Sonic Boom games for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal





2D Platformer



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Considering the major let down of Sonic Lost World, I'm not having high hopes for this title at all. It looks OK to the point of not total garbage, but SEGA have a way of making games you think will be better than you think, and then drop a bomb, turning them into crap games. I will stay optomistic on this

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