E3 2014 Media | Original Bayonetta Appears on Wii U!

By Adam Riley 10.06.2014 2

E3 2014 Media | Original Bayonetta Appears on Wii U! on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Listening to the feedback from fans, Platinum Games is bringing the original Bayonetta to Wii U, via SEGA and Nintendo, coming as a free inclusion for those that buy Bayonetta 2 at retail! Not only that, but there will be Nintendo costumes included...

The original Bayonetta game is back to bewitch the Wii U console. Bayonetta is here to play, skewering angels with her dazzling moves. Unleash her inner demons with wicked weapons and an expansive combat system, and see if you've got what it takes to get a Pure Platinum medal. Exclusive to the Wii U version, Bayonetta now cosplays in Princess Peach, Samus and Link-inspired outfits. Bayonetta comes packed in with the purchase of every retail packaged version of Bayonetta 2.

Image for E3 2014 Media | Original Bayonetta Appears on Wii U!

Image for E3 2014 Media | Original Bayonetta Appears on Wii U!


• Punish those who stand before you with guns, a sword, a whip and devastating summons in this critically acclaimed, stylized action game.
• Dodge oncoming attacks at the last possible moment to slow down their movements with Witch Time and get the upper hand on your foes. Shoot, shred and blast your way to the highest score, finding more weapons along the way.
• Bayonetta's take on costumes inspired by Nintendo characters add to the mayhem—for example, banish "evil" with the Master Sword and deflect attacks with a Hylian shield, then pick up Rupees dropped by your foes and hear a jingle from The Legend of Zelda as you solve puzzles.

Bayonetta is due to release alongside its sequel in October 2014.

Box art for Bayonetta








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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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This was just....OMG wow. I wasn't expecting this to be in there at all, and it was a sudden reveal, as no news about this came to light until the presentation, so we get two games in one, with some pretty sweet costumes to boot, Peach Bayonetta, need I say more?

Perfect. SEGA did something right. :3

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