Capcom have outlined just what classic games will be reborn on the 3DS and Wii U Virtual Console this year.
The publisher today outlined plans to release fifteen classics on both the North America and European eShop catalogues later this year, including some rarities. The likes of Breath of Fire, Street Fighter 2010, Demon's Crest and a large range of Mega Man greats will be available for players to download on each.
The current crop of games include:
North America
- Breath of Fire (Wii U)
- Demon's Crest (Wii U)
- Gargoyle's Quest II (3DS, Wii U)
- Mega Man 5 (Wii U)
- Mega Man 6 (Wii U)
- Mega Man 7 (Wii U)
- Mega Man X3 (Wii U)
- Mega Man Zero (Wii U)
- Mega Man Battle Network (Wii U)
- Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (Wii U)
- Mighty Final Fight (3DS, Wii U)
- Street Fighter 2010 (3DS, Wii U)
- Breath of Fire (Wii U)
- Demon's Crest (Wii U)
- Gargoyle's Quest II (Wii U)
- Mega Man 5 (Wii U)
- Mega Man 6 (Wii U)
- Mega Man 7 (Wii U)
- Mega Man II (3DS)
- Mega Man III (3DS)
- Mega Man IV (3DS)
- Mega Man V (3DS)
- Mega Man Xtreme (3DS)
- Mega Man Xtreme 2 (3DS)
- Mega Man X3 (Wii U)
- Mega Man Zero (Wii U)
- Mega Man Battle Network (Wii U)
- Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (Wii U)
- Mighty Final Fight (Wii U)
- Street Fighter 2010 (Wii U)
- Mega Man Zero 2
- Mega Man Battle Network 2
- Mega Man Battle Network 3
Which of these Capcom classics will you be downloading on 3DS and Wii U?