Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Won't Feature Communication Between East and West

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.06.2014 2

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Won

A Capcom rep has confirmed that Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate may not feature connectivity between East and West.

A comment from Capcom's Community Specialist Yuri noted how that Western players (presumably in both Europe/North America) will not be able to slay beasts online with folk in Japan. The two regions will be hosted on different servers, and wouldn't allow for inter-machine play.

A similar issue occurred with folk in North America and Europe in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, where a patch was required for servers to work together.

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate will be released in Japan this fall, with North American and Europe to follow in early 2015.

Should Capcom open up the field for inter-region communication in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate?

Box art for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 4G









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In a game like this where communication is key, I'm perfectly fine with it. Japan also tends to have exclusive event gear (e.g. Tessaiga from Inu Yasha in Tri, that was replaced for Western versions) and license agreements for those things are likely only for Japan. What happens if a Japanese player posts an event quest that was changed or isn't available in the West? It's these things that Capcom likely wants to avoid dealing with.

Lastly, I can't imagine lag being a big factor in this decision. Monster Hunter has some of the best netcode I've ever seen, after all.

as long as i dont loose UK to US, i will pretty much loose my whole online group i play with :<

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