E3 2014 | Natsume Highlights E3 Selection, Including Debut Wii U Title

By Jorge Ba-oh 06.06.2014 1

E3 2014 | Natsume Highlights E3 Selection, Including Debut Wii U Title on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Publisher Natsume has also highlighted its selection of projects to be shown off during E3, including its first ever Wii U title.

During the convention, which takes place from 10th June through till 12th June in Los Angeles, there'll be the reveal of the recently announced Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley on 3DS, A-Train: City Simulator for 3DS, and the company's first Wii U title Alphadia Genesis.

In Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley, players will be tasked to help return missing seasons to a valley, with life frozen over as the village is engulfed in winter.

Alphadia Genesis is described as a "rich, complex story" for Nintendo's home console, staring guild member Fray and a knight known as Corone. Together the two end up working together on a new journey, and "it becomes apparent that it may take more than a little work on both their parts if their relationship is to weather the foreboding storm on the horizon."

Which of Natsume's games are you eager to see during this year's E3 Expo?

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Really looking forward to hearing more about Alphadia Genesis! Edit: Just saw it is a game already on smartphones. Color me not as excited.

( Edited 06.06.2014 16:56 by Hawk )

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

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