Square Enix Wasn't Satisfied with Chocobo Racing 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.06.2014 1

Square Enix Wasn

 The canned Chocobo Racing 3DS project didn't quite fit the quality benchmarks for Square Enix.

The game, Chocobo Racing 3D, was in development for Nintendo's portable, but after a quiet period was suddenly cancelled without much clarification as to why. Speaking at Comic Con, Shinji Hashimoto from Square Enix noted how the company, quite simply, wasn't satisfied with how the game had turned out.

If the studio were to "develop it for console", Hashimoto believes that the project should be a "game for adults," but would have concerns as the target audience for the Chocobo series is, Square Enix says, children.

Are you a fan of the Chocobo Racing series - is it really just for children?

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Our member of the week

Never played any of the previous entries in the series, so I don't know how good these games might be in terms of being potentially good MK clones. But I can imagine the potential fairly easily though, if characters and tracks are taken straight out of the Final Fantasy universe. The Chocobo race track from FF7 I can imagine doing a perfect Rainbow Road for one thing Smilie.

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