Watch Dogs Still on Track for Wii U Release this Fall

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.06.2014 3

Watch Dogs Still on Track for Wii U Release this Fall on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Wondering where the Wii U version of Ubisoft's open-world adventure Watch Dogs is at? The game is still on the way.

The IP, which launched recently on a plethora of systems but not Nintendo Wii U, has seen an initially strong performance in its opening days. Those curious whether the game would ever see the light on a Nintendo system can, however, rest easy. Watch Dogs "will also be released on the Wii U system from Nintendo in Fall 2014," said the publisher in an official statement.

The game is also said to be based on the previous generation systems, with added Wii U-specific elements.

Are you still intending on grabbing hold of Watch Dogs on Wii U?

Box art for Watch Dogs

Ubisoft Bucharest







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With it releasing so long after the other systems I am losing interest in the game, to be honest.

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

This game will be great for wii U and will revolutionize the genra. You wait n see the Wii U with  the touch screen will be the best version.  This game along with mario kart and the games at  e3 will give wii u the boot it needs to be a contender. just look at old game boy it was getting no play until tetris and pokemon came out .  gotta be optimistic  

Hawk said:
With it releasing so long after the other systems I am losing interest in the game, to be honest.

I agree.

Waiting for so long and looking at reviews of the other games is making me question whether to cancel my pre-order. Had it launched with the others, I'd own a copy.

Probably the biggest thing that is keeping me, right now, from cancelling is that I don't want sales of a third party game to suffer for exactly the reasons we mentioned it will probably suffer.

That said, I will wait to hear more about the Wii U version before ultimately deciding.

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