Join the Cubed3 Mario Kart 8 Online Tournaments

By Jorge Ba-oh 31.05.2014 9

Join the Cubed3 Mario Kart 8 Online Tournaments on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Come one, come all! We have created new daily Cubed3 tournaments for Mario Kart 8. Chat live to other racers and share Nintendo Network IDs.

The live Cubed3 chatrooms and Nintendo Network ID share facility is now available - be sure to add your Nintendo Network ID to the list, arrange races/battles and also take part in our official daily tournaments. Can you keep up with the pack?

Join the Cubed3 Community

The Mario Kart 8 chat-room is available 24-hours a day, every day!
We recommend visiting from 6pm GMT daily to chat with other Mario Kart players.

Image for Join the Cubed3 Mario Kart 8 Online Tournaments
Image for Join the Cubed3 Mario Kart 8 Online Tournaments
Image for Join the Cubed3 Mario Kart 8 Online Tournaments
Image for Join the Cubed3 Mario Kart 8 Online Tournaments

Cubed3 Official Tournaments

Image for Join the Cubed3 Mario Kart 8 Online Tournaments
Image for Join the Cubed3 Mario Kart 8 Online Tournaments
Box art for Mario Kart 8








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (5 Votes)

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Don't switch? What does that mean? Can't change characters somehow or something?

Azuardo said:
Don't switch? What does that mean? Can't change characters somehow or something?
I haven't gotten to test it myself yet or found anything on it, but I think that option might determine whether rooms will be shuffled or not after four races. Say you got a bunch of groups playing in a tournament, it'll mix the groups up after four races so you get some new opponents without leaving yourself and possibly joining a different room afterwards.

Ohh okay cool. The image made me think it had something to do with characters but had no idea how lol.

Yeah, just checked myself. When you create one, the option is called "Group Switching" and it can either be none or after every fourth race. Must be what I think it is.

Damn it, the day I get Mario Kart 8 just happens to be the day my router is playin up. DX

This sounds really cool! I can't wait to get Mario Kart 8 and challenge some of you guys online!

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

I have the game, but unfortunately (due to school work) I have not been able to play it yet!

So how does this tournament work exactly?

Is it like time trials where we compare fastest times?

I can't wait to find out (hopefully tonight!)

So how do you all like Mario Kart: Communication Error?
I love the excitement of not knowing if your match is going to start or not. 50% chance baby! Oh I also like how you never have to stay long with one group, because everybody will get the Error after a few races anyway!


Canyarion said:
So how do you all like Mario Kart: Communication Error?
I love the excitement of not knowing if your match is going to start or not. 50% chance baby! Oh I also like how you never have to stay long with one group, because everybody will get the Error after a few races anyway!

I only played Battle Mode online for a while last night (to get more experience and a feel for Karts before jumping into actual racing online). I didn't experience any Communication Errors while doing so.

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