3DS eShop Chibi-Robo! Adventure Heading to Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.05.2014

3DS eShop Chibi-Robo! Adventure Heading to Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Adorable mini robot antics are in store for Nintendo fans in Europe with a new Chibi-Robo! game out this July.

Announced by Nintendo today, the 3DS eShop release of Chibi-Robo! Let's Go, Photo (known in Japan as Photo Finder) will get localisation treatment, landing on the eShop on 3rd July. The game follows the tale of Chibi-Robo, the teeny 10cm robot who is tasked with opening up a museum by capturing real-world objects as "NostaJunk" to put on display.

Image for 3DS eShop Chibi-Robo! Adventure Heading to Europe

The goal of the game is to help Chibi-Robo in his new venture, by taking photos and helping NPC characters to earn more film for his camera.

There'll also be an exclusive contest to win costumes in-game as soon after launch, there'll be SpotPass contests, with players able to submit their photos to Nintendo. Selected entries will be available for the public to vote, with winners receiving costumes for their efforts.

Image for 3DS eShop Chibi-Robo! Adventure Heading to Europe

Will you shrink down and help Chibi-Robo fill up his new museum?

Box art for Chibi-Robo! Lets Go, Photo!
Also known as

Chibi-Robo! Photo Finder









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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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