Churbles to Become an Episodic RPG

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.05.2014

Churbles to Become an Episodic RPG on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

3D RPG Churbles will be taking on an episodic approach, developer CrashGem confirmed in a Kickstarter update.

The game, which was successfully crowd-funded last November, will now be broken down into a set of episodic games, rather than a "beefy indie RPG", with each lasting around 4-6 hours.

The team didn't want to delay the release, nor cram the amount of stories, settings and characters into a single game, so have broken down the Churbles project into smaller, digestible chunks. Each backer will be entitled to the first four episodes, but there will be "room for further adventures" after the initial arc. The plan is to create episodes that are more standalone, having isolated storylines that resolve by the end, with others telling "smaller interconnected stories that weave together to form a larger, grander tale."

The plan at the moment is to release the initial episode of Churbles this December on PC (depending on testing), then Linux/Mac, with console versions after that.


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Box art for Churbles

Crash Gem


Crash Gem Studios





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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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