Comcept on Mighty No. 9 DLC and Sequels

By Jorge Ba-oh 22.05.2014

Comcept on Mighty No. 9 DLC and Sequels on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Mighty No. 9 producer Nick Yu and director Koji Imaeda recently talked about DLC, sequels and Nintendo plans.

In an interview this week, the team was quizzed on a variety of different topics, including how Comcept intend on working with WIi U and 3DS hardware. Imaeda replied that the dual screen approach for both systems is something the team would like to "make good use of", but the game is an an early stage so ports haven't been worked on just yet.

Despite the early phase of the project, the team are putting together the game with DLC in mind, however Yu states that the studio doesn't have "the wiggle room to make any additional content that wasn't promised during the campaign," but could do if "the game ends up being a hit."

The team are also excited on the prospect of a sequel, with discussion coming up within the development team. Depending on the success of the debut outing, "you might not only see sequels, but maybe spin-offs as well", Yu said.

Would you like to see a Mighty No. 9 turn into a franchise?

Box art for Mighty No. 9





2D Platformer



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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