Catch Thieves Using StreetPass Pokémon

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.05.2014

Catch Thieves Using StreetPass Pokémon on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest issue of Japanese magazine CoroCoro has revealed a new 3DS eShop Pokémon game that uses StreetPass.

Translated as The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokemon, new game does as it says on the tin - allow players to use StreetPass hits to collect various Pokémon and use their new friends to do battle with thieves. Winners of these battles are dependent on the number of critters collected using StreetPass.

Image for Catch Thieves Using StreetPass Pokémon

Available for a limited time as a free download from June 5th, the game has been designed to tie in with the new film Diancie & The Cocoon of Destruction, with a special Pikachu also available to download.

Would you like to see the game roam your local region?

Box art for The Band of Thieves & 1000 Pokémon








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