Pier Solar HD Planned for June Release

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.05.2014

Pier Solar HD Planned for June Release on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Pier Solar HD has missed its April release window, and developer Watermelon is still targetting a June launch for the game.

The studio explained that the delay is due to some bugs being found and, naturally, the game must be fixed without relying on patches. In addition, extra development time was added late in the project for some improvements for the HD release.

Finally, the game has to go through an internal QA process before sending it off for testing at the various download networks.

For the moment, the game is being planned for a June release.

Are you intending on picking up a copy of Pier Solar HD?

Box art for Pier Solar and the Great Architects





Turn Based RPG



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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