Out this Week: Mario Golf: World Tour, Kirby: Triple Deluxe

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.05.2014

Out this Week: Mario Golf: World Tour, Kirby: Triple Deluxe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Don't miss out on two 3DS gems with Mario Golf: World Tour and Kirby: Triple Deluxe, both out 2nd May on Nintendo 3DS.

Nintendo of America issued a friendly reminder today for both titles, which are out at the end of the working week.

Mario Golf: World Tour is the latest slice of ball-hitting action, as the Mushroom Kingdom gang do battle to claim golfing victory once again. There'll be a mix of traditional and fantasy courses, power-ups, a solo campaign and, of course, online multiplayer for competitive matches on a worldwide scale. In addition, there'll also be extra DLC packs and a Season Pass available for those who crave even more than the standard set of courses.

Mario Golf: World Tour will retail for a suggested price of $29.99.


Kirby: Triple Deluxe is the latest outing for the adorable pink puffball, and this time Kirby is setting out to save his longtime nemesis, King Dedede. With brand new and classic copy abilities and charming 3D levels, Kirby is once again back in the platforming helm. Triple Deluxe also includes a multiplayer battle mode, Download Play and a wealth of hidden collectable items to uncover throughout the adventure.

Kirby: Triple Deluxe will be available for an RRP of $34.99.


Which of these games will you buy this week - Kirby, Mario Golf or both?

Box art for Mario Golf: World Tour








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