Rumour: Nintendo Revealing New System at E3?

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.04.2014 5

Rumour: Nintendo Revealing New System at E3? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Rumour: Could Nintendo be intending on revealing a brand new system at this year's E3 Expo? A meta tag suggests it's possible.

Earlier this week Nintendo launched its official E3 hub to promote activities surrounding the much anticipated event in June, which'll include a live stream and dedicated Super Smash Bros. tournament.

Interestingly, when the site went live, there was the mention of "new Nintendo system" buried deep within the meta keywords for the site. A quick inspection of the source code now and the mention of "new Nintendo system" has been removed.

It could highlight a new system or peripheral on the way from Nintendo, to be revealed during E3, or simply nothing at all.

Image for Rumour: Nintendo Revealing New System at E3?

Do you think Nintendo are intending to reveal a new system at the Expo?

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I'm thinking someone just copied/pasted last year's code and didn't edit it properly. What do you reckon?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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i dont want a new system, i want games :/

Adam Riley said:
I'm thinking someone just copied/pasted last year's code and didn't edit it properly. What do you reckon?

If I recall correctly, Serebii confirmed (DUNDUNDUN) this to indeed be the case.

Of course even if it were true for this year, it would probably just be about the new QOL system.

EDIT: yepp

( Edited 30.04.2014 23:00 by SuperLink )

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Darkflame (guest) 01.05.2014#4

welshwuff said:
i dont want a new system, i want games :/

You dont want to go the Sega route - start releasing system after system every time one fails, slowly eating away at your userbases faith.

The SNES also did pretty bad for the first year, so recovery of the WiiU is possible with the right software. Not easy though.

Darkflame (guest) said:

You dont want to go the Sega route - start releasing system after system every time one fails, slowly eating away at your userbases faith.

The SNES also did pretty bad for the first year, so recovery of the WiiU is possible with the right software. Not easy though.

I don't think the Wii U can recover to a strong extent at this point, but weirder things have happened.

However I totally agree that releasing system after system like SEGA did is absolutely a bad idea.

  • rushing systems rarely ends well
  • it confuses consumers and destroys consumer faith
  • even loyal fans will hold off on purchases more and more
Right now, I think the best thing Nintendo can do is to either sit this one through for a few more years, or, if they're absolutely fully prepared, go through with a new system that has planning up the arse, because one rushed system after another rushed system isn't gonna fix any holes in anyone's pockets.

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