Sakurai on Global Smash Power Benefits for Super Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.04.2014 5

Sakurai on Global Smash Power Benefits for Super Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Super Smash Bros. producer Mashiro Sakurai recently described the ranking system for the game in Famitsu.

In his column in the Japanese magazine, Sakurai expanded the initial announcement of the "Global Smash Power", describing how it differs from a more traditional online ranking.

"You could call it a 'reverse ranking'. It counts how far you are from the bottom instead of how far you are from the top. It's simple, but in solves a lot of the problems with conventional ranking systems!"

The system to be used in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. titles is designed to show players how far they've come - how far from the bottom of the pack they are, rather than how far away from "number one" they might be. The number rises, instead of falls, the more players compete and battle.

Sakurai also feels it negates cheating as well, because players can't see how many people have a higher Global Smash Power score, so that cheating only really benefits (or hinders) the cheater, rather than others.

What are your thoughts on the use of Global Smash Power in the upcoming games?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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It's such nonsense. Do they really believe reversing the ranking is so genious? Besides, from what we can gather this is just about your offline performance.

What For Glory needs is a propper ladder. I want to know if I'm mnr. 10 or nr. 10.000 in the world. Look at Starcraft 2 or other games for a great system.

I guess it isn't that great. I mean I know I suck at Smash anyway, so I wouldn't really care if I was bottom in the world rankings. I just play for fun. For competitive players, I guess it'll be disappointing, but either way it won't effect me - rankings mean nothing to me.

I wonder what lag there'll be if any. Only played a few games on Brawl as the lag was painful.

Ifrit XXII said:
I wonder what lag there'll be if any. Only played a few games on Brawl as the lag was painful.
Playing Brawl recently, it seems like the lag is almost nonexistent now. Typical that it would be like that a few weeks before  the WiFi servers get shut down. >.>

I like the sound of the system, but it's nothing really special. It's just pretty neat and it beats having no ranking at all.

Also Smash 4 will definitely have lag (like any fighting game or any other game that requires precision button inputs to be sent across the net instantly), but probably not much. Sakurai said in March that they intended on improving the online experience a lot compared to Brawl, so I'm sure it'll be a blast.

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