Win eShop Credit in Wii Karaoke U Contest

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.04.2014 1

Win eShop Credit in Wii Karaoke U Contest on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Got vocals to die for? Nintendo are hosting a Wii Karaoke U contest for high scoring singers over the coming weeks.

With thousands of songs to choose from, there's plenty of opportunity to pick a track for the challenge. The latest software update includes the opening to the Voice to Victory: Wii Karaoke U Contest, which will allow players to win up to £80 in Nintendo eShop credit, simply for ranking highly in any song in the comprehensive selection.

The prizes include:

  • 1st Prize: £80 in Nintendo eShop funds
  • 2nd Prize: £40 in Nintendo eShop funds
  • 3rd Prize: £20 in Nintendo eShop funds
To enter, post a screenshot of your In-Depth Rating Overall Score to the Voice to Victory: Wii Karaoke U Contest Community between April 17th 2014 at 09:00 BST and May 5th 2014 at 22:59 BST.

Will you enter the contest? If so, which song will tickle your vocal fancy?

Box art for Wii Karaoke U








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Rudy should enter this with his mad singing skillz. Smilie

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