Online Tournaments and Communities for Mario Golf: World Tour

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.04.2014 2

Online Tournaments and Communities for Mario Golf: World Tour on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fancy putting across the world? Nintendo will introduce a range of online tournaments in the upcoming Mario Golf for 3DS.

Want to honour those crucial angles and swinging styles across a global sale? In Mario Golf: World Tour, there will be both regional and worldwide online tournaments to compete in, plus custom private/public tournaments put together by fellow World Tour players.

Notifications for entry will be distributed by SpotPass (Wi-Fi), with leaderboards to monitor progress and attempt to rise above the rest. Variety will also be the spice of sporting life, as there'll be a mixture of larger competitions, coin-collecting, smaller challenges and speed golf to compete in.

Image for Online Tournaments and Communities for Mario Golf: World Tour

Global brand Callaway Golf will host a series of in-game tournaments from 22nd May, again activated through SpotPass, with winners receiving coins to buy items in Toad's Shop.

Will you take on the online challenge in Mario Golf: World Tour?

Box art for Mario Golf: World Tour








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If they can do it with World Tour, MK8 has to have tournaments built in, plus challenges!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
If they can do it with World Tour, MK8 has to have tournaments built in, plus challenges!

I missed out on those special events and challenges they did in Mario Kart Wii, but from what I've watched of them, I'd love to see something similar in Mario Kart 8! Not even too bothered about competing on worldwide leaderboards, I want them more for competing with friends and obviously for variety. Some of those looked like crazy hacked versions of the track they were based on!

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