Trinen on Localisation Changes for Tomodachi Life

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.04.2014 4

Trinen on Localisation Changes for Tomodachi Life on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo of America's Bill Trinen recently highlighted some of the localisation changes in Tomodachi Life.

With a release date confirmed this week for Europe and North America, one of the key questions comes with how Nintendo will tackle cultural differences between East and West.

Speaking to GameSpot, senior product marketing manager Trinen described some of the changes the team has had to make to ensure the game remains relevant to a Western audience. The core structure and premise has been kept the same, but there will be changes and additions to these moments to ensure that they "might be more relatable for a US audience", he said.

Instead of sing-offs, there'll be rap battles, and "while sumo is vaguely familiar to people here in North America", there'll be a US football game instead where "you've got two big blockers who are going at each other and trying to knock one another off balance."

The game is launching 6th June on 3DS.


Do you think Nintendo should have kept or changed the Japanese sequences in Tomodachi Life?

Box art for Tomodachi Life








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It would suck if the european version ended up with the american stuff. :/ Annoying enough they removed same sex relasionships, thanks for refering to me as a "glitch" nintendo. Infact i might just skip the game entierly, it sounded fun as it was before all these tweeks now.

( Edited 13.04.2014 15:52 by welshwuff )

What I want to know is if you can set people as family? Would be weird if my brother asked my sister or mum out :/

( Edited 13.04.2014 18:34 by Ifrit XXII )

welshwuff said:
It would suck if the european version ended up with the american stuff. :/ Annoying enough they removed same sex relasionships, thanks for refering to me as a "glitch" nintendo. Infact i might just skip the game entierly, it sounded fun as it was before all these tweeks now.
Whilst it is quite a disappointment for the gay community that the game lacks same-sex relationships, the Japanese version never had that feature in the first place, so I wouldn't expect it. I don't see why they can't just add it to please everyone, but whatever.

The part that pisses me off is that they substituted sing-offs for rap-battles and sumo for American football. I don't care for football, but they should allow all of these things. Hopefully the European version won't be so self-centred and let the Japanese activities co-exist with Western ones.

Complaints aside though, it still looks like a great game and I'll most certainly be picking it up on day one.

( Edited 13.04.2014 19:20 by Mush )

welshwuff said:
It would suck if the european version ended up with the american stuff. :/ Annoying enough they removed same sex relasionships, thanks for refering to me as a "glitch" nintendo. Infact i might just skip the game entierly, it sounded fun as it was before all these tweeks now.

Well it doesn't bother me as I'm of a Heterosexual nature but the "Rap battles" definitely annoys me since there's far more music types in the UK & US. I guess they've never known just how big British Punk Rock is nor do they realize that Classic Rock, Metal, Hip Hop (not to be confused with Generic Krunk Rap garbage), Country & Alternative Rock still hold strong here in the states.

Sorry Nintendo but I don't care for Retards Attempting Poetry at all...well maybe 80's Rap like DMC & Run when Rap was actually GOOD & had less repetition within the lyrics & Melody.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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