DLC Courses Set for Mario Golf: World Tour

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.04.2014 1

DLC Courses Set for Mario Golf: World Tour on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

An eShop listing for Mario Golf: World Tour has suggested that there will be a range of paid, downloadable content for the game.

Earlier this week, the listing on Nintendo's own catalogue and retailer Amazon read: "Discover additional paid downloadable courses and participate in special trial tournaments." However, since being spotted by various fans keen for a slice of putting with Mario, it's been quietly removed.

Whilst not being officially announced by Nintendo, paid DLC is very much on the cards for the forthcoming sports sequel.

What DLC content and courses are you hoping to see in Mario Golf: World Tour?

Box art for Mario Golf: World Tour








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Our member of the week

How I wish this game played just like Pangya! with different outfits and club sets giving out different kinds of boosts, secret techniques and all kinds of crazy moves, and the ability to chat with other players while you play online multiplayer!! And better yet, for absolutely anyone to getting freely access to the better equipment, without resorting to micropayments, which is the only downside of Pangya on PC for me.

I hope this Mario Golf game comes as close to Pangya as possible Smilie

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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