Super Smash Bros 3DS, Wii U Online Details, Rankings and Final Destination Variations

By Jorge Ba-oh 09.04.2014 5

Super Smash Bros 3DS, Wii U Online Details, Rankings and Final Destination Variations on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During Nintendo Direct this evening, Super Smash Bros. producer Masahiro Sakurai discussed online play in the new games.

Both versions of the popular Nintendo brawler - 3DS and Wii U - will feature online play, allowing for both competitive and casual battles between randomers and friends.

Image for Super Smash Bros 3DS, Wii U Online Details, Rankings and Final Destination Variations

Two modes were shown this evening for public matches:

  • For Fun - All stages are chosen randomly, with all items/power-ups available. Only wins are recorded.
  • For Glory - Final Destination stages are available, for more competitive players. Both wins and losses are recorded. Instead of just the default Final Destination, there'll also be variants of other stages, altered to a flat terrain.
When playing with friends, however, full customisation will be available - items, rules and stages can be selected as with a normal local match.

Image for Super Smash Bros 3DS, Wii U Online Details, Rankings and Final Destination Variations
Image for Super Smash Bros 3DS, Wii U Online Details, Rankings and Final Destination Variations

As online accounts are linked to Nintendo Network IDs, there'll be temporary bans for those who break the rules - including self-destructing continually, cheating, dropping out of matches and continually targetting a specific character.

Image for Super Smash Bros 3DS, Wii U Online Details, Rankings and Final Destination Variations

Instead of a global rank like most competitive games, the upcoming system will use a score called "Global Smash power", with the higher the number representing a better placement.

What are your thoughts on the online system for the upcoming Super Smash Bros. games?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

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Nice way to appeal to both fanbases. The competitive Smash community should really appreciate the "For Glory!" mode.

SirLink said:
Nice way to appeal to both fanbases. The competitive Smash community should really appreciate the "For Glory!" mode.

Defo - love the way he acknowledges Final Destination as "the" level of choice for those competitive battles too.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Continually targeting a specific character is a bit of a dickish move, but how is it a bannable offence? You should be free to fight whoever you want.

Cheesing it up said:
Continually targeting a specific character is a bit of a dickish move, but how is it a bannable offence? You should be free to fight whoever you want.

in fairness though it's harsh if 3 people are ganging up on one person for stupid reasons like not joining in the taunt party >.> 
About the for glory mode as well, some competitive players think it's a dumb idea as final destination isn't used as much as sakurai thinks in tournaments because it promotes stuff like chain grabbing and projectile spamming. Personally I think it's a neat little extra but I can see why their annoyed.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

LKR000 said:
About the for glory mode as well, some competitive players think it's a dumb idea as final destination isn't used as much as sakurai thinks in tournaments because it promotes stuff like chain grabbing and projectile spamming. Personally I think it's a neat little extra but I can see why their annoyed.

If those people voice their concerns loud enough, I wouldn't rule out the possibility of them making Battlefield versions, too, either before the games launch or later as a patch. Shouldn't be too hard to add a few platforms and change their style to match the stages.

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