GBA Games on Wii U Can Apply Smoothing Effect

By Jorge Ba-oh 03.04.2014 6

GBA Games on Wii U Can Apply Smoothing Effect on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

As well as digital game manuals, Game Boy Advance games on Wii U will also include options to smooth and tweak the resolution.

Due to the relatively small resolution of the original Game Boy Advance releases, Nintendo have had to consider the leap from portable to big screen when it comes to preserving the look and offering a smooth experience.

NintendoInsider reports that there'll be numerous display options for GBA games on the Wii U, with the option to trigger a real-time "smoothing" effect, but also the option to play in the game's original resolution - scaling up the game to 1440×960. The default option, though, is a 1620×1080 - 6.75x the original 240×160 output.

Image for GBA Games on Wii U Can Apply Smoothing Effect

In terms of lighting and colour, the Wii U releases have had some alterations to remove the artifical brightness from the GBA originals, resulting in a fairly darker picture on the GamePad screen.

Would you like to see these display options for more Nintendo classic platforms like NES or SNES?

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Can't say I can see a difference there......

Kristian Shaw said:
Can't say I can see a difference there......

It's quite soft - I think the main difference is in diagonal lines in particular - if you look at those green lights in the background - a little bit smoother on the right side, than the left.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Our member of the week

Oooooh toning down the artificial brightness of certain GBA games is definitely a must !! I hope they give us the original SNES palettes in all of those SNES ports to GBA thay will get re-released on VC !

I wonder when they're played at 1440*960 how big the border around the screen will appear to be though. Cause I think I might prefer no smoothing personally, so long as the borders are not huge.

EDIT : Dang... seems like SNES to GBA ports still suffer slightly washed out colours :/



( Edited 03.04.2014 15:45 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Our member of the week

Just bringing that up once more now that I found a screenshot showing how big the black borders are when not stretched to full-screen and without the filter:

Image for
Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Todays the day it has finnaly arrived. Game Boy Advance on WII U. I did not know about the  smoothness update. It looks amazing. I bought a Game Boy Advance when it first came out in 2000. Im so glad its making a tryumphant return. I already know the gba's plus indies and the incredible games that are coming are going to push Wii u through the roof in sales and popularity......This is truly an exciting time to be a Nintendo fan!!!

I honestly don't see a difference but if they say so. I'll buy regardless.

( Edited 05.04.2014 14:01 by JudgeMethos )

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