Why Batman: Arkham Knight isn't Heading to Nintendo Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.03.2014 3

Why Batman: Arkham Knight isn

Batman: Arkham Knight was declined a Wii U release as it couldn't meet gameplay objectives, says developer Rocksteady.

In an interview, Rocksteady's Dax Ginn stated how the main goal for the upcoming adventure was a desire to create an authentic Batmobile experience and "once we decided we were going to commit to the Batmobile, all these other technical decisions were made for us."

The "highly technical" demand for driving a Batmobile was something that "can only be done on next-gen", he said, which prevents a release on Wii U, PS3 and Xbox 360. When asked specifically about Nintendo's console, Ginn replied that the studio has to "make our technology choices specifically with reference to the gameplay objectives that we want, so we choose the platforms that are going to give us that."

Do you think the Batmobile technology is a valid excuse for a lack of Wii U release for Batman: Arkham Knight?

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Our member of the week

It's not coming to Wii U because it's not selling, that's all. But since they can't be sure that it won't start selling AND/OR they don't want to rub Nintendo the wrong way (no studio wants to because you never know when they might turn around and start selling systems like crazy again, and there's also the fact that the 3DS actually sells pretty well), they just won't say it out loud.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Capcom: "resident evil 5 isnt coming to the wii because it cant even handle the menu screen"
then the game played exactly like RE4.

My point is the above is complete and utter bull.

Yeah this is why I hate devs who ditch Nintendo & the ignorant anti Nintendo install base even more for thinking it's Nintendo's fault. Nintendo still makes great games despite how damaging comments from people who've NEVER actually played a Nintendo game yet talk as though they've written the book on it can be.

Someone just needs to find a viable way to shut down sony & microsoft's gaming devision so people are FORCED to actually own & PLAY Nintendo systems to understand just how wrong they are about Nintendo AND the fact that sony & microsoft deserve NO CREDIT for third party games like Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Megaman (R.I.P. Blue Bomber T_T ) & other well known franchises NOT MADE by those 2 console owners. Then people would be perfectly fine owning a Nintendo system for equal third party support & superior first party titles that the other 2 can't come close to providing!! Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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