Igarashi Would like to Work on Metroid Series, Appreciates Metroidvania

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.03.2014 3

Igarashi Would like to Work on Metroid Series, Appreciates Metroidvania on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Former Castlevania producer Koji Igarashi spoke about his desire to work on the Metroid series.

Igarashi left publisher Konami this week, bringing him the freedom to work on his own projects as part of an independent studio. He'd been interested in the use of the term "Metroidvania" whilst talking about his work, as he's no longer allowed to use "Castlevania" when discussing future plans, so it was actually really handy that the word 'Metroidvania' existed", he said.

Taking this further in an interview with IGN, Igarashi noted that he would "love the chance" to work on the Metroid series, but it depends on "whether they want to work with me."

If you're listening, Nintendo, Igarashi is all ears.

Would you like to see a new Metroid adventure with Igarashi at the helm?

Box art for Super Metroid

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Well, I wish someone would bloody do something with it, but yes, this would be a dream come true.

Our member of the week

I say let the man make us a moody, dark 2D Metroid, and let it be on 3DS, with glorious stereoscopic effects!!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Bucky (guest) 20.03.2014#3

"This would be a stupid idea," said nobody ever.

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