Co-operative RTS Hex Heroes Announced as Wii U Exclusive

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.03.2014 1

Co-operative RTS Hex Heroes Announced as Wii U Exclusive on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Indie developer Mario Castaneda has announced a new Wii U exclusive RTS project called Hex Heroes.

The concept, which will aim to be crowd-funded via an upcoming Kickstarter campaign, is pitched as a unique co-operative real-time strategy game with a multitude of different classes, where one player acts as commander.

The lead role involves heavy use of the GamePad, managing resources and having an overall picture of the map from a bird's eye perspective. Other players, who'll use the TV in split-screen, will manage resources and take to the battlefield.


Castaneda, who's known for his art direction in The Bridge will be teaming up with game programmer Chris Jennewein as part of a new collaborative studio known as Prismatic Games. As for music, Grant Kirkhope - of Banjo-Kazooie and Perfect Dark fame - will be working on the project as audio composer.

The Hex Heroes is due to launch on March 25th.

What are your thoughts on the concept?

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The concept, which will aim to be crowd-funded via an upcoming Kickstarter campaign,

 The Hex Heroes is due to launch on March 25th.

Am I missing something? How it is being released in a weeks time if it hasn't been funded yet?
Regardless, an RTS WII U game sounds like a really interesting idea.

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