Pier Solar Creator on Wii U Version, Handheld Appeal

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.03.2014

Pier Solar Creator on Wii U Version, Handheld Appeal on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

WaterMelon president Tulio Gonçalves recently talked about the enhanced release of Pier Solar and the Great Architects.

The indie project, created specifically for the age-old Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, was originally released in 2010 in cartridge format, heralding the notion that games for out-of-print hardware can still be made. Now several years later, Pier Solar is getting a release on multiple platforms - including Nintendo Wii U.

Gonçalves talked about the Wii U version in an interview, noting how the GamePad controller can be used as a "mirror screen for off-TV play, or as a fully-interactive second screen" for inventory, spell management and "other new functions new to Pier Solar HD."

He was also probed on whether there'd be a possibility for a 3DS or Vita launch, to which Gonçalves replied - "there's a lot of demand for handhelds such as 3DS and PS Vita, so we'll assess those after the game is launched on the main platforms."

Would you like to see Pier Solar and the Great Architects heading to 3DS and Vita as well?

Box art for Pier Solar and the Great Architects





Turn Based RPG



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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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