Possible Retail Release for Senran Kagura in North America

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.03.2014 1

Possible Retail Release for Senran Kagura in North America on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Publisher Xseed has teased the potential for a physical release for upcoming Senran Kagura games.

Answering a Facebook Fan, Xseed noted how the 3DS eShop release for Senran Kagura Burst had sold well, however it's too late to consider a physical release for that game in particular as "once a title is released as digital-only, we really can't go back and make a physical version."

However, the publisher isn't ruling out boxed copies of the ninja brawler going forward, with the eShop sales figures proving that there is indeed an audience for the series in North America.

North American readers - would you grab hold of a physical/retail copy of Senran Kagura?

Box art for Senran Kagura Burst



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If Shinovi Versus gets a localised retail release in Europe before I own a PS Vita, I'll buy the game on its own for later. Smilie

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