Pokémon are Mascots for Japan's FIFA 2014 World Cup Team

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.03.2014 4

Pokémon are Mascots for Japan

Nintendo have formed an agreement with Adidas to feature Pokémon as the official mascots for Japan's 2014 World Cup campaign.

The Japanese National Football team, the Blue Samurai, will be taking on the world in Brazil from June 12th-13th inclusive, and Pokémon favourite Pikachu will be the official mascot for the team. The adorable electric mouse will be joined by Meowth, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Pancham, Helioptile, and Litleo in a bid to bring a little Nintendo action to the games.

Image for Pokémon are Mascots for Japan

What are your thoughts on Pokémon being the mascots for Japan's 2014 FIFA World Cup team?

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This is so friggin cool!

Yeah, I'm sure there's some vague point to be made about the commercialisation of football (even the mascots aren't safe! Smilie ) but still, so cool.

Now if only EA didn't have the rights to FIFA, Nintendo would probably get a world cup game on their systems.

Oh we could get a Pokemon X Inazuma Eleven game.

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Stulaw said:
Oh we could get a Pokemon X Inazuma Eleven game.
Actually talked about that recently. When you imagine that there are thousands of characters in Inazuma, and tons of special moves, a Pokemon equivalent could actually work. Communication between Pokemon could be a problem, though lol. They don't even have a goalie in the above pic!

Does vine whip count as handball?
Can you squirt water on your opponents?
So many unanswered questions...

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