Fans Working on Unofficial Wii, DS Online Servers

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.03.2014 2

Fans Working on Unofficial Wii, DS Online Servers on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A group of developers and fans are eagerly working on a way of saving Wii and DS online competition with unofficial servers.

There are various groups running at the moment each trying to discover how Nintendo's communication and matchmaking features work with titles like Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and the Nintendo DS range of Pokémon titles.

The aim of these projects are to eventually discover, especially before Nintendo close down the Wii and DS servers, how to keep online competition running for these much loved games - whether through self funded servers or peer-to-peer competition.

For more information and to contribute to the project, visit:

Will you support the campaign to keep the Wii and DS servers running unofficially?

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Darkflame (guest) 15.03.2014#1

Good for them!
I might have to use them for a few things. Hope they can get extra content stuff too, not just online play. (Metroid Trillogys stuff, Laytons extra puzzles etc).


I still think its shocking that Nintendo is stopping their online support for the two most popular systems of all time, even when their just one generation old.
Microsoft and Sony are still supporting PS3/Xbox360, after all. (Despite both of their replacement systems doing better then the WiiU at the moment).

Even if Nintendo honestly couldn't afford it (doughtfull), they should have released their own servers open source so fans can support it without needing to reverse engineer.

Darkflame (guest) 15.03.2014#2

Actually, its even worse then I thought reading the forum linked, it seems Nintendo has encrypted connections for their games.
Nintendo arnt just not helping fans, without giving out their SSL private cert for these affected games, they are effectively blocking all fan attempts.

I really cant see any reason for Nintendo not to give out the certs :-/
Without those secret certs, games will need to be patched for any online activity to work.

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