Mario Meets McDonalds to Inspire Children to Keep Active

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.03.2014 8

Mario Meets McDonalds to Inspire Children to Keep Active on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

McDonalds and Nintendo UK have teamed up to let loose a set of Mario themed toys in the latest set of Happy Meal promotions.

In a bid to help children get active, Nintendo have included a range of figures and interactive toys, together with activities for youngers to perform as if they were the porky plumber himself. The campaign starts 19th March in McDonald's stores nationwide.

Image for Mario Meets McDonalds to Inspire Children to Keep Active
Image for Mario Meets McDonalds to Inspire Children to Keep Active

Will you nab a Happy Meal or two for these Mario memorabilia?

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Our member of the week

An even better deal for Nintendo would have been to get into the hands of kids figurines related to Mario's latest outings on WiiU, making them interested in the actual games in the process, and pestering their parents to get them a WiiU... and more software for it afterwards as they come out Smilie.

But that's just my own idea Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
An even better deal for Nintendo would have been to get into the hands of kids figurines related to Mario's latest outings on WiiU, making them interested in the actual games in the process, and pestering their parents to get them a WiiU... and more software for it afterwards as they come out Smilie.

But that's just my own idea Smilie.

That makes so much sense - hopefully they'll include some Wii U details on the Happy Meal box - would make sense, or even in the leaflet that comes with it... hmm. We'll see..

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

No Peach? Sexist.

Azuardo said:
No Peach? Sexist.

Totally - I'd thought they'd at least have included Peach minimum, and possibly daisy too.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Even Rosalina would have been good.

kingdom (guest) 12.03.2014#6

Umm guys?

No peach = unethical

yet advertising wii u to kids using fast food = good idea?

Fuck peach

'In a bit to help children get active'

I'm sorry what?

Nintendo are a video game company..... you don't want your target audience to be active... you need them to sit around playing Wii U.

Poor decision.

fenton_jd said:
'In a bit to help children get active'

I'm sorry what?

Nintendo are a video game company..... you don't want your target audience to be active... you need them to sit around playing Wii U.

Poor decision.

LOL, I agree. Active isn't the right word for that. An advertisement like this is okay but if kids are so active, they wouldn't't just sit and play Mario, they'll just eat fries and burger and collect them all!

There s always a kid inside each of us

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