Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! Special – Oscars 2014 Winners

By Freda Cooper 03.03.2014

Image for Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! - Oscar nominations 2014
There was pizza, a record breaking selfie…and a few Oscars to hand out, as well. Who was celebrating last night, though? Freda Cooper has the low-down in this latest Lights, Camera, Action! special.
It was a night of prestige versus numbers. In terms of the highest number of trophies, Gravity was the big winner at the 2014 Oscars, with no less than seven trophies. One went to its director, Alfonso Cuaron, another, predictably, was for special visual effects, with sound and original score adding to its tally.
Image for Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! Special – Oscars 2014 Winners

The team behind 12 Years a Slave will also feel it was the big winner, scooping the ultimate accolade of Best Picture (director Steve McQueen's delight is obvious in the photograph above!), as well as Best Adapted Screenplay and Best Supporting Actress, which went to Lupita Nyong'o - a companion piece for the Independent Spirit Award she won on Saturday night.

AIDS drama Dallas Buyers Club also came away with three. Two of them had been widely predicted, with Matthew McConaughey taking Best Actor, and his co-star, Jared Leto, Best Supporting Actor. The third went to the hair and make-up team, who demonstrated just how much could be done with a budget of only $250.

Image for Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! Special – Oscars 2014 Winners

As anticipated, Cate Blanchett walked away with the Best Actress gong, but Best Original Screenplay produced one of the surprises of the night, with Spike Jonze coming up on the outside and winning it for his futuristic romance, Her. While it was a popular win, it had not been expected. The winner in Best Documentary also ruffled a few feathers, with 20 Feet from Stardom pipping the much-fancied The Act of Killing to the award.

The Great Gatsby picked up a couple of awards for its costume design and production design, while Disney's Frozen took the trophies for animation and best original song.

Image for Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! Special – Oscars 2014 Winners

There were an awful lot of big names who came away empty handed, however. Both the real Captain Phillips and the real Philomena turned up to support the films bearing their names, but to no avail. Nor was there anything for The Wolf of Wall Street, American Hustle or Nebraska.

Social media came to the ceremony in a big way this year, with host Ellen Degeneres taking what has now become the most popular selfie of all time on Twitter. Her shot, with the likes of Julia Roberts, Brad Pitt and Kevin Spacey, was retweeted over one million times and was rumoured to have temporarily broken the Internet! She also served up take away pizza during the ceremony to the stars in the front rows!

Image for Feature | Lights, Camera, Action! Special – Oscars 2014 Winners
Did the Academy get its choices right? Without raking over the old argument about the omissions on the nominees list, the answer is "probably," especially when it came to the two big films of the night.  Both 12 Years a Slave and Gravity broke new ground, one with its subject matter and the other with its technical wizardry, so the "honours even" approach was right. Whether either of them will have the longevity of something like Nebraska, also nominated for Best Picture, remains to be seen…

The full list of winners is available on the Oscars website.

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